# Prisma

Nx plugin integration with Prisma (opens new window)

# you can also skip prisma related installation, which will also be installed when executing generator:app
yarn add @prisma/client
yarn add nx-plugin-prisma prisma nx-plugin-devkit nx-plugin-workspace -D
# some required peer deps in nx workspace
yarn add @nrwl/node @nrwl/workspace @nrwl/tao @angular-devkit/schematics -D

# Getting Started

  • Install dependencies above.

  • Run nx g nx-plugin-prisma:init --app prisma-app.

  • If your tsconfig.base.json does not contain the following compilerOptions, add it to prisma-app/tsconfig.json.

      "compilerOptions": {
        "allowSyntheticDefaultImports": true,
        "module": "CommonJS",
        "esModuleInterop": true,
  • Run nx prisma-db-push prisma-app to create SQLite database and generate Prisma client. (Or if you want to use prisma generate for client creation, you can also execute nx prisma-db-push prisma-app --skip-generate and nx prisma-generate prisma-app)

  • Run nx dev prisma-app.

# Generators

# init

nx g nx-plugin-prisma:init --app prisma-app --latestPackage

--latestPackage means fetching latest version of Prisma package instead of use local version(^3.0.2 for now)

Create a node application with prisma related initializations:

You can then run nx prisma-db-push prisma-app command to push schema to database and generate Prisma Client.

The generated application use self-contained scripts to handle dev/build/start command, for example, nx dev prisma-app will execute this file:

// scripts/dev.ts
import execa from 'execa';

export default async function dev() {
  await execa('ts-node-dev --respawn src/main.ts', {
    cwd: process.cwd(),
    stdio: 'inherit',
    shell: true,

(async () => {
  await dev();

Plugin specified schema options:

  • prismaDirectory: specify where prisma schema located in, relative to project source root. default: app/prisma.

  • schemaName: specify prisma schema file name(without .prisma extname). default: schema.

  • datasourceProvider: specify prisma datasource.provider, one of sqlite / postgresql / mysql / sqlserver. default: sqlite. NOTE: only sqlite related works will be setup, so you need to handle manually if other provider is used.

  • useProjectEnv: should create .env file inside project root and use it. default: true.

  • initialSchema: create initial simple prisma schema model definition.

  • collectArgs: should use single-line command, for example, when setting as true, workspace target will be like:

      "executor": "nx-plugin-workspace:exec",
      "options": {
        "command": "prisma db push",
        "args": "--schema=src/app/prisma/prisma.schema --force-reset"

    Otherwise it will be:

      "executor": "nx-plugin-workspace:exec",
      "options": {
        "command": "prisma db push",
        "schema": "src/app/prisma/schema.prisma",
        "forceReset": true
  • noDBPull: should omit prisma db pull from generated project workspace targets. default: false.

  • noDBPush: should omit prisma db push from generated project workspace targets. default: false.

  • noStudio: should omit prisma studio from generated project workspace targets. default: false.

  • noMigrate: should omit prisma migrate from generated project workspace targets. default: false.

You can find more supported schema options in Prisma.Generator.Init.

# setup

nx g nx-plugin-prisma:setup exist-node-app

Similar to init, but setup generator should and can only be applied to exist application, which will also install deps, generate Prisma file, and add related workspace targsts for application.

Another difference is that setup generator doesnot add dev/build/start targets.

setup generator accepts similar schema options like init generator.

You can find more supported schema options in Prisma.Generator.Setup.

# Executors

# info

nx info prisma-app

Report nx workspace & Prisma & OS Informations.

Add target configuration below (included in init / setup generator):

  "prisma-app": {
    "targets": {
      "info": {
        "executor": "nx-plugin-prisma:info",
        "options": {}