# Workspace

Some extra enhancements on offical @nrwl/workspace:

Outdated! Please use official @nrwl/workspace package.

# Executors

  • nx-plugin-workspace:exec

    Similar to @nrwl/workspace:run-commands, with enhancements below:

    • Use execa (opens new window) under the hood, support preferLocal shell and more options.
    • Support ignoreFalsy: will not append falsy value into command to execute, like --watch=false, which is useful in Prisma cli.
    • Support useCamelCase: control how args are transformed, kebab-case or camel-case?

# Generators

# react-scripts

nx g nx-plugin-workspace:react-scripts react-app

Create offical Create-React-App template application, and React-Scripts related targets .